Sabtu, 30 Juni 1990

Our Long Strange Trip to the Greek Islands

Saturday June 30, 1990

Well, today is the day of the "Concert of the Decade" in London at the Knebworth House. Pink Floyd, Tears for Fears, Eric Clapton, Dire Straits, Elton John, Paul McCartney, Ray Cooper, Robert Plant (with guest Jimmy Page), Status Quo and Phil Collins with Genesis were all set to appear. Unfortunately, there was absolutely no way I could make it. However, I just happen to be on deck of a cruise ship heading toward Athens, Greece (a fine consolation). I'll see the concert on MTV when I get home.

We spent another day and night in Capri - the most fantastic island I've seen yet. Danny and I went to the Grottos Assure (the Blue Grotto) - one of the wonders of the Mediterranean world. The Grotto was a cave with a tiny opening at the waterline where the sun shines through the water/entrance and bounces off the white sand inside the cave. The reflected light illuminates the cave to a majestic royal blue. The water was so clean, that you could see to the bottom of the entire cave.

At the Grotto, we met 4 of the coolest, funniest comedians from New York. These guys went to Albany and we decided to travel to Greece together. Let me tell you that since Danny and I met these guys, we haven't stopped laughing for a minute! It's like traveling with 4 Billy Crystals - they're a riot.

Ok, the boat to Athens is killin' me. From Capri to the Greek Islands takes 2 full days (48 hours of non-stop travel). What a pain! I didn't anticipate this part of the trip. We had to take a mini-bus down to the port, then a hydrofoil bak to Naples, then a cap to the train station, then a 2 trains to the port in Brindisi (the tip of Italy), then we had to take a cruise (with no seats, I slept on the deck in 45 degree freezing weather with no blankets), then after the cruise ship, we had to take a train to Athens and then a plane to Mykinos Island and then another boat to Santorini Island. Ok, let me recap for you:

Mini-bus, boat, taxi, train, train, boat, train, plane, boat.

It hasn't been all that bad because of our new friends Steve, Jay, Keith and Mike from Albany, but all that travel gives you alot of time to just think. The sunshine in Capri gave me a nice suntan base, but once in the Greek Islands I should be looking fiercely dark. I'm excited to explore the islands and the black sand and ancient ruins, and lots of celebrating.

One of the brief highlights on our overnight Ferry to the Islands was a full RED moon rising over the horizon.

Sunday July 2, 1990

Jim Beam Cola tv commerical- so many commercials in Europe are all alcohol ads! Imagine walking into a 7-11 in America and picking up a six-pack of Jim Beam and Coke as if it were a half-gallon of milk! All the ads in Europe are hilarious. Goofy ads, but I guess they work. I could simply sit in front of the TV and watch these crazy commercials for an hour - pure entertainment. If your wondering why I've been writing about television ads, it's because we've been watching the World Cup every night - everything in Europe revolves around the games.

Anyway, after the hellish 20 hour boat ride, we arrived in Athens and were swarmed by Athenian Hotel shysters. Each person tried to get us to stay at "their " hotel and the competition was hilariously fierce. This drove the price down. Me and the boys stayed in a place for $4! When we finally laid down to sleep in the sweltering heat, without any working air conditioning, it must have been 110 degrees. We laughed if all off - as we all shared the room! The next morning we woke to see the Acropolis, but by the time we got to see it (or rather, by the time we found it), it closed! So me and Steve snuck over the gate to try to climb to the Parhenon. However, not more than 20 feet into the journey, we were attacked by a pack of vicious German sheppards that probably haven't eaten for days! Next thing I knew, I was flying through the air - I had never jumped so high and fast in my entire life. We barely escaped with our lives and decided maybe we should come back when the open. It was an incredible sight fro the bottom, though. Just think the Acropolis was the Manhattan of 200 BC. I was cool to imagine the ruins covered with fabulous marble and active with Greek philosophers - Socrates, Plato and so many others.

Monday July 3, 1990

That afternoon, we took another hilarious boat ride (10 hours this time). The reason I keep using the word hilarious is because these guys with Danny and I are really killin' me with their wacky comedic ways. I've never had so much fun with friends I barely know - but at the same time I felt like I've known them my whole life. Anyone who can keep me in stitches all day and all night is definitely ok in my book! We arrived in Santorini in the heat of the mid-morning and were shystered by a Greek selling shlock. He said he had a great hotel by the beach - and took us to the middle of the dessert. We refused to pay him and pointed to the beach 5 miles away! He dropped us in the middle of nowhere and we had to wonder the deserted part of the island in 110 degree heat with our packs. Oy - this was not the Greek Island Paradise I had been dreaming of!

We wondered aimlessly through the heat with our packs until, get this, an 11 year kid pulls up in a mini-van! I don't think I've seen anything so funny. He goes, "I've got room 4 you, by beach, no problem." He shystered us too - and we had to get his father to drive us to Kamari Beach on the other side of the island. FINALLY, we were where we wanted to be. We got an amazing place on the waterfront for $8.

We rented mopeds and had absolute the best days I've ever had in my life! We rode all over the island. It's impossible to describe the raw beauty of this island. There is little or no vegetation, but the mountains and landscape are formed by molten lava from a volcano (that is still active and just recently erupted only 30 years ago).

From the top of the mountain it looks like the Grand Canyon but within the deep blue sea. White stone homes rise up onto the crest of the island tops capping their domed churches in the most rich royal blue.

HDR photo of the Santorini Cathedral by Klaus Herrmann

We then rode to the other side of the island to the beach with watersports and we hopped on an inflated banana boat. Laughing like kids and horsing around - we were bucking the raft like a bronco, and it only took about 500 feet offshore until we wiped out. When we did, I noticed the water was the most intense royal blue color - raw beauty!

After a few hours on the beach, we rode our mopeds to the top end of the island to watch the sunset. Oia was the name of the village where many people go to see one of the miracles of nature. Watching the sun set in Oia was impossible to describe in words. Let's just say there was absolutely no where else on the planet that I'd rather be.

Incredible sunset photo of Oia Village in Santorini by Nikola Totuhov

Stunning after-dark photo of Santorini by Xandré Verkes

Thursday July 5, 1990

Well, everything I heard about Ios, Greece is absolutely true! This place is sheer madness! The 4th of July was insane. The beach was packed with kids of all nations, but most were celebrating the 4th, American style. There was one group of nuts called beer hunters. They were seven guys who finish 300 beers every Wednesday! These guys were roaming the beach in search of babes and more booze (dressed with watermelons on their heads, beer cans for sunglasses and war paint all over their body. Dozens of people were actually passed out flat on their faces all over teh beach - in the middle of the day. The Europeans drink so much more than Americans - but they get so drunk, they can't even stand. They should visit New Orleans and learn how to drink all day and all night and pace yourself the right way.

The nightime, oh the night...what can I say about the night vibe?! It was even crazier! The West Germany / England World Cup match was on tv and these nations got stupid drunk! They got wild and crazy and loud and just plain out of control. We went home around 3am, but on the way, we dropped into a dance club in the old city that played the sickest thumping house music - and we didn't leave till 5am. Did I say the Europeans drink all day and all night? They do, and people were passed out on the streets left and right - like litter. Ios is like spring break all year long.

What did I eat? Shawarmas! Shawarmas all day and all night. With french fries. Lord, what a treat - they were so insanely delicious, that I coudn't break away from eating anything else. Funny story...while the drunk Europeans staggered into the water to cool off from their face-planting in the sand, they would lose all their money out of their pockets. I happened to have my snorkel and mask while in Ios, and I would go into the water every 2 hours and collect "Shawarma money!" I would treat all the guys to lunch and dinner. Seriously, money was flowing out of their pockets and they had no idea.

I've been noticing mixed feelings towards Americans. There's some hostility where kids would sing "Go Away USA" and "Go Home Yankees, Go Home." This would usually come out after a few drinks. Some nations are intrigued with us, however. The Northern countries like Sweden and Denmark are so nice and really want to talk to you. They want to know all about our culture and our music - especially heavy metal! Europeans love hard rock (it goes with their hard drinking). Music really is the universal language - it connects, and has no boundaries.

Sunday July 8th

Well, right now, I'm putting my hands in a Greek pilot of a 7 person propeller engine plane, Olympic Airways to Rome. Why? Because there is no way I was going to take those hellish 48 hours of travel back to Italy. We are saving 2 days of travel in just 2 hours. At the airport, Danny and I said goodbye to our Albany boys, Keith, Mike, Steve and Jay. We've been traveling almost 2 weeks together and feel like we have been best friends. They were definitely an awesome addition to the journey. Will try to catch up with them down the road when I'm back in New York.

The past 4 days and nights have been so amazing. Nothing but sun, fun, snorkeling, shawarma, laughs, ladies, liquor and the dancing limelight, what a routine! I've actually become a native color. You've never seen me this tan. I never burned, but instead slowly simmered to a charcoal brown - something about the sun in this region just did not burn. I absolutely loved the Greek Islands - it was everything and more that I could have expected. I was a little sad to leave - I could have easily stayed in Ios for a month. We are headed to Venice, Italy and then it's off to Spain for the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona. I'm excited for Spain. At this point in the trip, I think I'm going to blow off my trip to London and visit Berlin to see Roger Waters perform "The Wall" at the Berlin Wall. It's a once in a lifetime event and it's something I absolutely HAVE to see. I could always return to London in the future.

Rabu, 27 Juni 1990

The Isle of Capri

Wed June 27, 1990

I've never been so excited to actually sit down and write about my day as I am right now. Try and picture this... about 6:30pm, the sun is about to set on the horizon of the Mediterenean, we have an unbelievably gorgeous hotel on top of one of the most beautiful islands off the coast of Italy, 2 hours south of Rome. THE ISLAND OF CAPRI!!! I'm now on the balcony overlooking of the most panoramic views of a coastline one could possibly imagine. All along the mountain coast is lined with violet flowers and verdant trees. Off to my right, is the quaint little seaport of Capri and off to my left and over the trees, I can see the mountainous coastline. of Naples. In the foreground, there are 200 foot tall grotto coves...WOW is all I can say! I'm telling you, the sights just get more and more beautiful the further south we go.

Soon after arriving at this island paradise, I was diving off small cliffs into crystal clear blue waters (yes, that's me).

I had no idea Capri was this beautiful, but what an incredible joy - especially coming from the old dusty dirt binge city of Rome. Actually, Rome wasn't that bad, but it wasn't that pleasant.

Here's a great perspective from photographer Enrico De Vita

Traveling to the Island of Capri from Rome was by far the best decision ever.

My sketch drawing of the sunset from our balcony

Senin, 25 Juni 1990

Rome & The Vatican

Monday June 25, 1990

Because of all the World Cup Soccer matches in Italy, Danny and I split off from Alan and Marc because they tried to get tickets for a big soccer match in Bologna, and we wanted to continue south towards Rome, Capri and the Greek Islands. It was a bummer splitting off, but we had amazing memories and by this point in the journey we felt confident to "leave the nest" so to speak. We were on our own, but Danny loves to talk and chat and get to know people which makes things super easy when asking for help and directions.

After Alan and Marc left for Bologna, Danny and I worked our way South towards Rome. The train to Rome from Florence was brief, but pleasant. The country side was pretty, many farms along the ride. When we arrived in Rome, it was nuts! We traveled during the summer of the 1990 World Cup Soccer matches and Rome was a hotbed of insane fans. There was a match in Rome when we arrived and people were scrambling in all directions, and we were being tossed to and fro with our giant backpacks. Yes, the strangest thing happened, a man from the tourist information office saw our confusion and went out of his way to call a hotel for us. When we asked him why, he simply said it was his job. He save us a so much time and trouble - especially because it was 6:30 and there was almost no way we would have found a place to sleep if we were looking on our own. On our way to the hotel, we can see that this city was ANCIENT. It was so dirty and decrepit. Prices for hotel rooms were outrageous because of the World Cup, but the tourist officer secured us a place for $25/night - one of the cheapest around. We ended up watching the soccer game and got a good night's sleep (well needed).

HDR photo by Klause Hermann

The next day, we went to the Vatican Cathedral where the Pope lives. It is also the final resting place the THE St. Peter, the very first Pope who died in 74 A.D. That's almost 2,000 years ago. Saint Peter's Basilica (image to left) is a Late Renaissance church located within the Vatican City. Saint Peter's Basilica has the largest interior of any Christian church in the world. It's regarded as one of the holiest Catholic sites. It has been described as "holding a unique position in the Christian world" and "the greatest of all churches of Christendom". Without a doubt, the Vatican is absolutely the MOST SPECTACULAR ARCHITECTURAL TRIUMPH in the world. It is sooooooooo HUGE!!! I can't even begin to describe what I saw, it was so staggering. The ceilings were about 200 feet high and every inch of the ceiling was designed in classic Renaissance style - gold everywhere. Small windows inside the towering domes allowed light to stream through, spreading the light in rays looking "heavenly" indeed.

Michelangelo, Raphael, Bernini and many of the great Renaissance artists contributed to the art by painting incredible rooms and sculptures that filled the marble-lined halls of the Vatican. The Sistine Chapel was magnificent, The ceiling, and especially The Last Judgment painted from 1535–1541, is widely believed to be Michelangelo's crowning achievement in painting. His technique was so fascinating. The entire Vatican has to be seen to be believed. The sheer magnitude of the space and artistic brilliance overwhelms you.

HDR photo by Klaus Herrmann

After almost 4 hours in the Vatican City, Danny and I caught a smelly, densely-packed, old and rickety bus to the Roman Colosseum. What a site! We were able to walk inside and see where the Romans threw their people to the lions. What a violent society!

HDR photo by Trey Ratcliff, Stuck In Customs

Then we saw the Piaza Benezia, a giant, white-marbled stairway leading to the great pillared Colosseum that had gigantic Roman sculptures on top. Then it was on to the Pantheon. It was a bit of a disappointment, dirty and unimpressive. Overall, Rome was not the ideal vacation destination, except for the ancient city and the Vatican, I'm not sure I'd really go back.

HDR photo by Trey Ratcliff, Stuck In Customs

Jumat, 22 Juni 1990

Pisa and Florence, Italy

June 22, 1990

We took the night train to Florence, Italy which I was super excited about. However, it was the train from hell! Small uncomfortable seats that 4 of us had to scrunch into. But the worst was making a 3am connecting train in Pisa - what a pain!!! After shaking off the cobwebs and getting off the train, we wondered through the streets of Pisa with our backpacks to the leaning tower of Pisa. What a freakishly cool architectural wonder. The tower really leans A LOT! It looks like its going to topple at any minute. It was neat, but I was still in a daze.

As if the whole 3am connecting train business was not enough, we were attacked by BATS on the walk back to the train! Yes bats. It was something out of horror movie. They flew every which way and almost crashed into us many times. We had to run with our lead-weighted, heavy, dirty-clothed, uncomfortable, backpacks through the streets to dodge them. My back was killing me! It all added to the experience. Now I could tell my kids one day that I was chased by bats in Italy in the deep of the night. Boy could I elaborate on that one.

We finally arrived in Florence at 5:30am and we hiked though the city to our Hotel Columba. The lady was so nice to let us in at 6am and give us rooms (check-in is almost always much later). I've never wanted a room so bad in my entire life. Exhausted from the craziest night of travel, I collapsed in a heap. Starring at the ceiling before closing my eyes, I noticed the extremely tall ceilings, adorned with ornate trim. The room was large and clean...ahhh I love Italy.

3 hours later, woke up and toured Florence. Now THIS is a city! The weather was stupendous! Clear sky, 75 degrees and cool breeze! We saw the Academia museum where the original David lives. What a sight. It's hard to believe a statue can be so spectacular, bu this is an exception. Almost 20 feet tall, it cast an ominous prescience, but it was truly perfect. IT's supposedly the perfect creation of a human body. Studying Michaelangeo in school, it was said that he was one of the most talented and prolific sculpture, artist and architect of his time, and just one look at this sculpture you knew in an instant it was true.

We wondered to the Palazzo Pont Vecchio where a single bridge housed many Italian folks and plenty of the city's leather and jewelry. Shops, shops and shops! They were all amazing - nothing cheesy like the tourist shops in NYC.

It was here in this city that I saw a greater density of beautiful women than in any other city. Gorgeous dark hair, green eyes, cool dresses. I don't know what people were thinking when they said Paris was the fashion capitol - the Italians KNOW style! The women and men were very good-looking compared to other cities, especially Paris.

On our way back to the room, we went to the Doumo Cathedral - the 4th longest in the all the world. The exterior design was intricate and magnificent. The interior was open and airy and very large and tall. Stained glass throughout. Still, the most breath-taking cathedral was Notre Dame. Nothing can touch it, except the Vatican in Rome which I keep hearing so much about it, but we'll see.

HDR photo by Trey Ratcliff, Stuck In Customs

Then I saw the Baptistery De Giovanni - the ceiling was unbelievable.Every inch of the dome was layered in gold and ornately decorated with religious figures and situations. The art of religion was life and it was so interesting to see how it ruled the world and was documented at the time. It's also so inspiring to see these ancient structures still intact and so well-maintained. History man - I love it!

I then took a separate private tour of the leather market - all I wanted to do was buy, buy, buy! O.K., until tomorrow... oh wait a second, I forgot to tell you - I witnessed a purse snatching right before my eyes! A shady-looking character cruised by on a scooter and swiped this lady's purse right off her arm - but the strap broke and he took off unsuccessful. Now I'm going to be extra careful with my things - especially during the World Cup. It's madness here in Italy!

Photo by Gary Vidson

June 23, 1990
This morning we went to the Firenze Jewish Synagogue. It was claimed to be the most beautiful and magnificently decorated Synagogue in all of Europe. I was can certainly agree. It was really spectacular. Every inch of the Synagogue was painted by hand and the Moorish-inspired architecture was built by 3 famous Italian architects in 1882. It survived a flood and bombs by the Nazis and still looks well-maintained, thanks to donations from around the world. I was able to appreciate sitting down so much more than other Cathedrals. Feeling comfortable and at peace gazing up at the Torah surrounded by ancient oil lamps keeping the "Eternal Flame" burning.

We then rushed over to the Palazzo Pitti Palace which was anything but petty. It was the grandest Italian Renaissance museum I had seen yet. It was half the size of the Louvre, but it was twice as ornate. Every single room, wall, ceiling, painting and frame was incredibly detailed. The works were fascinating and the ceilings were painted like the heavens. Every room had a different color and was ridiculously Once outside the Medici, I walked through a massive Boboli Gardens filled with Renaissance sculptures scattered throughout. The gardens had mazes similar to "The Shining". It was a wonder to walk through and very fulfilling experience. This museum was up there at the top for me and must have taken decades to create.

You really feel like your in an ancient city because the Cathedral bells "ring" all day long - very cool! The weather is really sublime, nothing but clear blue sky - and makes your impression of a city 10 times better.

This afternoon, we witnessed the most bizarre sport - barbaric football. It was a grand ceremony with elaborate costumes and horses and swords. I twas transported back tot he Medieval days! When the game began, every man attacked each other - it was brutal! From my perspective, it was just "kill the man with the ball. The back story here is that the game has history dating back hundreds of years and is the original version of ruby. By the end of the game, they were carrying men off the dirt field due to the beatings they received trying to score a goal. This was definitely a fascinating pit-stop in in Florence. We were lucky to be walking through the area of the city to catch it . It was a once in a lifetime spectacle. I love Florence!

Nice, Cannes, Monte Carlo and the French Riviera

Wed June 20, 1990

We arrived in Nice, France after a 10 hour night train from Geneva. Upon awakening, we looked out the window to find that were were riding along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Vivid orange rocks and cliffs decorated the seashore. Not a cloud in the sky. It was a fantastic way to start the day. We checd into our hotel and soon raced to the topless beaches. But to my dismay, the beaches had no sand, only black rocks! What? We saw the beach frolickers lay on rolled straw mattes. It costs us $26 for sun screen! What a rip-off, but hey, we ARE in the South of France. It was a beautiful day - no clouds, 80 degrees, and plenty of beautiful female eye candy. After a few hours of sunning, we went for a stroll along the boardwalk. The hotels are ritzy and elegantly designed - I definitely "feel" like I'm in the South of France. Tomorrow, we are headed to the Matisse Museum and then to Cannes and Monte Carlo. I'm loving every adventurous second of this trip. Right now, I'm sitting on a the boardwalk across from the Casino Ruhl overlooking the Mediterranean Sea as the sun slowly sets behind me. As awe-inspiring as the mountains in Switzerland were, nothing makes me happier than the ocean.

Saturday June 23rd

Cannes was one glamorous beach! Golden sand and gorgeous sights all up the coast. To my right - incredible yachts, to my left - beautiful women. Flowering rose gardens and palm trees line the curve of Cannes' coastline along the promenade de la Croisette. I couldn't ask for more perfect weather - not a cloud in the sky. Up and down the boardwalk were shops of unprecedented opulence - Louis Vuitton, Ysatis Cartier, Mercedes just to name a few. Cannes was the playground of the ridiculousness wealthy.

photo credit: Monaco Yacht Show

Monte Carlo was in a class all by itself. The yachts were so gigantic and super-modern, but there weren't just a few - everyone had a billion dollar yacht. The hotels and casinos were outrageously ritzy, but not cheezy like Las Vegas. Their taste was unmatched against any architecture we had seen so far. It's the place James Bond goes to hang out. It's the ultimate place to take your wife. There were really no beaches (I guess you didn't need them when you have a yacht), but the shoreline drops off about 50 feet down cliffs.

Photo: Deviant Art

Monte Carlo is definitely the jewel of the French Riviera. Bjorn Borg won 5 consecutive Monte Carlo Open tennis championships in a row. Monte Carlo is located just outside of France in the Republic of Monaco. Borg was the sickest on the gorgeous red clay courts - and we've seen red clay tennis courts everyone in this region. The marina was the heart of the town and the center of activity. Views were amazing and we felt like millionaires for an evening. As you can see from this photo, Alan, Danny and I were reveling in the Monte Carlo glory.

Photo: Deviant Art

The next day we went to St. Paul De Vence, an artist colony in the hills of the French Alps. This colony was a tiny little village where only artists lived. I suppose if you are an artist, living on top of a mountain with panoramic views ain't so bad. Its quaint and small and not very touristy. Alan, Michelle, Deb and I had a terrific little lunch overlooking the landscape. We then cruised on to Vence where we visited the Matisse Chappel. We rented a car which was great b/c it allowed us to cruise on our own and see the sights that direct trains couldn't provide. However, the drivers suck and the little car that we rented eventually made us nauseous (insert wimpy kid sketch here). Anyway, the Matisse Chapel was interesting. It was a tiny little chapel where he designed colorful stained windows and drew primitive illustrations on the wall. He's done better work, yes in his later years, he became attached to the chapel because of his religious faith.

Selasa, 19 Juni 1990

Geneva, Switzerland

Tuesday June 19, 1990

Geneva was a great little city located on Lake Geneva. It had many great shops and we were psyched to finally see a Wendys! They had the most beautiful Swiss watch stores. I'm you telling you, the Swiss *really* know how to make gorgeous watches.. We went to the United Nations building and saw the tallest man-made water fountain in the world. The city looked very wealthy. The nicest cars and beautiful women drove up and down the lakefront.

Photo by Kev Allen

There were many gardens and cafes along the lake. Here's a nice snapshot of the krewe after lunch, sitting along the lake.

Jumat, 15 Juni 1990

Grindelwald, Switzerland

The train ride from Austria to Switzerland was ABSOLUTELY THE MOST BEAUTIFUL, SCENIC, BREATH-TAKING AND HEAVENLY VIEWS I HAD EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE OR IN DREAMS!!! Soft, rich rolling grass and tall timber trees covered the mountains which climbed higher than the clouds. Crystal fresh waterfalls poured down the mountainside into pools of icy blue. Quaint little homes dotted the landscape together with sheep, cows, and wild horses. Bright blue lakes anchored the base of snow-capped mountains that rose higher than the mind could fathom. Sun beams shot golden rays through the clouds like paintings of heavenly light. I haven't even fully arrived and I'm already making plans to visit later in life - and even have a 2nd home. This is definitely God's Country. This place seems blessed by peace. The land looks untouched by war, poverty or dirt. The land is delicately peppered with bright colored flowers. I can't say enough - it has to be seen by the human eye to be fully appreciated!

photo by Dennis Water

Saturday June 16th, 1990

Traveled up 10,000 feet into the Grindelwald Mountains. Hiked up even higher into the Swiss Alps. The skyride took us on a half-hour journey to the top of the mountains. It was even more beautiful than anything I had seen before. We were riding high above the pine treets, as the crystal streams poured down from the mountain's melting glaciers. It was so incredibly peaceful. It was the closest thing to heaven you could imagine. The air was so fresh and all I wanted to do was suck in the air and gaze into the panoramic mountains. No picture or movie can capture the awesome beauty of the mountain peaks - they were HUGE. I took a lunch tray and used it as a sled to slide down the mountainside - Sick! Cows were grazing up in the high ridges of the mountains - with cowbells. Real cowbells around their necks - like the kind you see in 70's funk bands, only they got their cowbells from these cows! When the heard of cows got together, it sounded like "Time" from Pink Floyd' "Dark Side of the Moon." All the cowebells were clanking at once.

photo by Wiki photo

Up that high, the air was very think and hard to breath. This was by far the most majestic, breath-taking days of my entire life. I don't think anything can match the view of these snow-capped peaks.

Sunday June 17, 1990

Took a boat ride on Lake Interlaken. This was also nice. Homes were scattered along the banks and up into to foothills surrounding the lake. We then hiked up into the mountains and took a tour into the St. Beatus Caves where they were inhabited way back in the sixth century. Great powerful waterfalls rushed through the interior of the mountainside. There were thousands of underground streams and passageways that were many kilometers deep and wide. Within the cave, the temperature never changed from 45 degrees - both winter and summer. The rocks were ice cold to the touch. The caves were stunning to look at, but I coudn't take any meaninful photos - not enough light. The rest of the day, we spent on the boat soaking up the sun. Finally, after 2 weeks of touring, we had glorious weather in the most glorious of destinations! Up at the top of the mountains, we had just been playing in the snow, and now were are on the lake and people are waterskiing. I LOVE Switzwerland! Next up... Geneva and the South of France.

Kamis, 14 Juni 1990

Salzberg, Austria

Thursday June 14, 1990

Got up at 6:30am, took the train to Salzberg, Austria. Very quaint little town. Very scenic mountains surrounded the little village. This town also had a lot of old people, even more than in Munich. We went to Amadeus Wolfgang Mozart's house! This guy was born from the heavens to play music. He began to play the violin at age 5 and began composing symphonies by age 10! He was brilliant. The house was small and typical of an Austrian house. I like Austria better than Munich - at least because of the scenic vistas offered by the mountains. We stayed for 3 hours and left on a train for Switzerland.

photo: Deviant Art

Selasa, 12 Juni 1990

Munich, Germany

Tuesday June 12, 1990

Arrived in Munich, arranged for a place to sleep. Of course it was raining which made things all the more enjoyable, not. Anyhow, our room was clean, and the shower was awesome (must be the German shower engineering)! When traveling, it's the most important thing sometimes! We went into town to the Hofbrauhouse and got smashed on only 1 liter of beer. The beers are 3x stronger than normal beers and they serve you mugs 50x the size of normal ones.

The town looked exactly like Disney World. It almost looked fake. Munich is exceptionally clean and very modern. The subway is hi-tech and ultra clean - unlike the sewer stench of Paris's metro. After the thrashing we received after only 1 beer, we were all tired and went to bed at 7pm, earliest yet.

photo: WikiFlick

Wednesday June 13, 1990 Cloudy and cold again. Today, we went to the Deutsches Museum which explored the historical development of natural science, technology and industry. It was really interesting to see how man developed wind power and converted it into electricity; dug tunnels for subways; developed the automobile engine, airplane turbines, etc. It was a brainiac's wet dream. Here's a photo of the interior architecture:

photo: Christian Yushimoto

Afterward, the guys went back to the Hofbrauhouse again, but I didn't drink and instead walked around on my own. Munich didn't interest me much. It's nice to look at, seems quaint enough, but I'm not sure I'd come back. On our way back to the hotel, we toured the 1972 Olympic Village. It was beautiful! Located in the most verdant park - and there were 15 gorgeous red clay tennis courts I was so fond of looking at! They were in terrific shape. It looks like the people of Germany really take care of their city. It's spotless. The Olympic stadium looks super modern even though it was built 18 years ago. It looked like the future - like something from the movie Blade Runner.

photo: postcard

Another interesting observation: the majority of the people I've seen just passing by in the streets and on the subway were very old. Older than 65. I mean everyone was old. I rarely saw anyone my own age. The German language is filled with pronunciations that sound like your gargling mouthwash. Names like Sventlikerhooptnk Street seemed unnecessarily, ridiculously long. I'm getting excited for the upcoming trip to the Greek Islands! I think that's going to be the highlight of my trip. I picture the Mediterranean to be paradise on earth. So far, there has been no sun since we've been touring. I'm enjoying myself incredibly, but as a Floridian, I need a little sunshine! I'm now on a train to Salzberg, Austria. My ancestors are from Austria. My grandfather on my mother's side. We are only staying a few hours and then we're off to Switzerland, supposedly the most scenic place on earth. I'm ready! Foot note about Munich: VERY expensive! I spent money faster here than in Paris! Everyone has either a BMW or Mercedes - even taxi drivers.

HDR photo by Trey Ratcliff, Stuck In Customs

Kamis, 07 Juni 1990


Thursday June 7th, 1990

Arrived in Paris, raining. It's been raining everyday which kind of sucks for us touring, but up until now, it was just sprinkling. It's downright crummy now which definitely dulled my 1st impression of Paris. Though, I'm sure that once the sun shines, so will this city. This city is VERY old. There is so much history here.. I'm going to extend my budget to $50 per day because I can't see or do anything otherwise. Good thing the room is only $17/night.

Dinner was absolutely delicious - true to what they say about the food! Afterward, we strolled and ate crepes.

HDR photo by Trey Ratcliff, Stuck In Customs

This morning, we went to Musee D' Orsay. Spectacular! VERY beautiful! It's a former train station converted to an impressionistic museum. Matise, Van Gough, DeGas,Monet, Renior, together with some impressive sculptures. It's an architectural wonder. No one speaks English - or even tries. Communication is very difficult and frustrating. Tomorrow, hopefully we'll get some clear skies and see Notre Dame Cathedral and Eiffel Tower.

HDR photo by Trey Ratcliff, Stuck In Customs

Tonight was nice, we walked down Champs Eyleses, the famous French street with fine shops and great cafes. Paris at night was definitely magical. I loved seeing the bus stops with the fashion models on Vogue covers.

HDR photo by Trey Ratcliff, Stuck In Customs

Friday June 8th, 1990

Went to Notre Dame Cathedral. Spectacular and breathtaking! It's the most magnificent cathedral I've ever seen! It's massive and architecturally stunning. It had the most beautiful stained glass windows. The ceilings are about 200 feet tall! It truly makes you feel the spiritual presence of something larger than man. I kept thinking of the Hunchback, though.

HDR photo by Trey Ratcliff, Stuck In Customs

Later we strolled to the Georges Pompadue Center of Modern Art. What a CONTRAST! It was the most unique post-modern structure ever seen. Loved the glass and industrial steel elements, and the Miro-inspired dancing water garden. I only recently completed my art history minor at Tulane and was digging that I had just studied and recognized the master works by Leger, Dali, Miro, Picaso, DeBaffet, DeKooning, Kandinsky as well as some really modern objects of 1990. Very fulfilling jaunt to my favorite genre of art that I studied at school. After dinner, we saw the Eiffel Tower at night. It was simply divine! It's so romantic here at night, and while I'm without a lady on this cross-continental buddy trip, I'm enjoying myself to the hilt!

Photo by Stefano Pinci

Saturday June 9th, 1990
It's amazing what the weather can do. It rained all day again! Such a bummer! I'm really feeling down on this city right now. The people don'e even attempt to try and understand what you are saying. Just to go some place and sit down for a coffee costs an arm and a leg. Rain making me grouchy.

Sunday June 10, 1990
This was the most complete day in Paris. Went to the Louvre. It's enormous. I think it's the largest gallery in the world. I mean, can anything be bigger than this? Again, we saw all the major works of art that I studied in art survey at school, which I really enjoyed. Some of the paintings on the walls were enormous. How do they paint such staggeringly large images on canvas? The Mona Lisa was cool to see, but I never really got all the hype.

HDR photo by Trey Ratcliff, Stuck In Customs

After many hours, we needed a break. We were getting art fatigue. So where did we go next? Another museum! We went to the Muse D' Armery (The Museum of War) where Napolean's tomb was kept. Napoleon was worshiped by the French and his tomb was as large as the Lincoln monument. Inside was section of the museum devoted to WW II and the Holocaust. Seeing pictures of the concentration camps was extremely distrubing. After seeing the pictures, Danny is changing his mind about to going on to Germany with us. I can see why.

After the museum we finished our final night in Paris with a sunset trip to the top of the Eifel Tower. It was easily the most scenic and beautiful view of Paris. Rolling grass lawns surrounded by giant trees evenly planted in neat rows (like Oak Ally in New Orleans, only 100 times larger),. Water fountains shot up like hot springs in the earth - completely surrounded this magnificently constructed sculpture of steel. Me, Danny and Steve went to the top and had the most stunning view of the entire city. We were able to see every historical monument and cool sight from the top. I took many pictures so if you reading this and looking at them at the same time, then you're hooked and can envision what I was seeing - it was breathtaking! On top of the Eifel Tower, I bumped into Bryan Sher! That was so random - and I was psyched to see him. Danny, Steve and I are the picture kings - we took 4 rolls in just one day (editors note: lol). I feel so much happier than yesterday. I'm telling you, the bad weather really crushed my spirit in this city, but we were redeemed today!

HDR photo by Trey Ratcliff, Stuck In Customs

MJ on top of Paris:

Monday June 11th, 1990
Lazy day. Did wash, then went to Jim Morrison's grave at the Cemeteiere Pare Laishei. It was a beautiful cemetary where many illustrious personalities were buried. It was a cool thing to do and glad we checked it out.

On our way back, we walked down Champes Elyses and that was exciting too, but I kept looking for all the famous Parisian good looking super-models. Didn't see many attractive people here, actually. Wonder what that's about. We just saw very gaunt, high-cheek-boned (but sunken cheeks) skeletal looking people. No one uses deodorant here. What's up with that? I don't dislike this city, but I don't really love it either. It has so much to offer, but the attitude and vibe of the people are an issue for me. I would love to come back with my wife one day, with lots of cash, I'm sure that would be a much different trip. :) If you haven't been yet, you can look at my picutres, I'm sure they'll suffice.

Next stop: Munich, Germany and Lotz. What is Lotz you ask? That's easy...lotz and lotz of beer!